Demay Alabi is a Media practitioner and a public relations person with a very broad background and work experience. She holds a degree in psychology from the U.K, has trained, and has tremendous experience in human relations, media and events management programmes, literary societies and works. She represents two international health organizations.
Mrs. Demay Alabi (aka DEMAY ACKAH YENSU,) has been in the media for almost fifteen years, and has occupied very senior positions in both Radio and Television. She has hosted Health programmes on National Television, and is the Country Representative for Global Resources, an organization which is responsible for the largest African health exhibition; is the Country Representative to HCG Enterprise, the largest South East Asian Cancer network among many others.
She hosts a Literary Show on Television, which profiles personalities on Television and Radio networks. Her literary involvement include serving as the PRO of The Ghana Association of Writers, Initiator of the literary programme NIGHT OF THE ARTS WITH DEMAY; she’s a columnist; the Executive Director of Christian Books Awards, Administrator, Mission of Hope Ministries.
Demay has chaired several youth fora, is the founder of 360 Degrees Foundation and Trust. Her experience and expertise span a wide sector of society; she is involved in the administration, training, management and chairing of a host of both secular and religious bodies. Her works cut across a list of corporate entities. She is a wife, a mother and a Pastor. In the Media, spearheading bold and lasting reforms on the landscape.
Pastor Mrs. Demay Alabi carries with her a burning desire to see Christian men and women taking responsibility for establishing sanity in society and thereby fulfilling GOD’S agenda.